Evisceration is performed in blind and painfull eyes (due to illness or injury) by removing its internal contents. The eye muscles remain attached to the white of the eye (sclera), into which an orbital implant is inserted. At the end of the operation, a conjunctival conformer is placed inside the eyelids, as a temporary prosthesis. After one month, a proper ocular prosthesis (artificial eye) is made by a certified ocularist.
Enucleation is an operation during which the whole eye is surgically removed. This needs to be done if there is a tumour inside the eye, which cannot be treated by radiotherapy. The remaining eye muscles are attached to the orbital implant, which ensures the transmission of motility to the ocular prosthesis, which can be fitted after about one month.
Orbital exenteration is an operation during which the complete contents of the eye orbit are removed, because of advanced tumours of the eyelids and the orbit.
Socket reconstruction is performed in cases where the scarring and contraction of the eye socket prevents the wearing of the ocular prosthesis. In this operation, the scar tissue is removed and mucous lining from the mouth is transplanted into the orbit to create a new socket for the artificial eye.